What is bespoke music composition?

Bespoke composed music, or ‘original scored music’ is a piece of music that is created to a unique brief. In other words, you send us a brief explaining what kind of music you want to use, then our expert team of talented composers send back original composed tracks for you to choose from. The musical work can be licensed from us for an exclusive term, usage type and territory. Alternatively, It can be purchased from us so that you, or your client, own both the master and publishing rights. This is known as a ‘full buyout’.

What is production music / library music?

Production music - also known as Library music - is written to be featured in various mediums such as TV, Film, Radio and Advertising (online & broadcast).

Unlike commercial music, production music is pre-cleared, hassle free and straightforward to license. This avoids long term negotiations with labels and publishers, which saves time! This is why the majority of the music you hear on TV is library music, but that doesnt mean the quality takes a hit. Listen to our latest releases from Bspoke music and judge for yourself.

Can we work 100% remotely?

Of course! We’d much rather meet for a coffee or a few drinks in person, but in this day and age we are totally flexible and will arrange an online meeting to speak with you and for you to talk over your requirements with our composers at your convenience.

How does music licensing work?

If you're looking to license one of our bespoke pieces of music for your campaign, then the license and fee will depend on a few factors:

  • Do you or your client need to exclusively own the master and publishing rights?

  • Do you or your client need to have a license for all usage types ? Eg TV only, TV/online or All Media?

If there is no need to purchase both the master and publishing rights, how long do you need the exclusive term to be?

If licensing our MCPS registered library music then please see the following:

Want to know our rates to license our music?

Want to license a piece of our library music?

I’m a YouTuber and I want to use your music in my videos.
Will I get a takedown notice?

If using one of our registered MCPS library works which has been licensed the correct way via the PRS for music license manager here, then no.

But if you do get a copyright claim on your video (which is using a piece of our music) then feel free to get in touch with us on our instant messenger or give us a call. We will get it sorted for you ASAP!